Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss treatment is most effective when it addresses the underlying cause. For example, treatment for telogen effluvium may be as simple as stopping the drug or stressor that is interrupting the normal hair growth cycle. Hair loss from trichotillomania can be reduced with the use of hair styles that do not pull or tug at the hair, and medications such as terbinafine (Lamisil), griseofulvin (Grifulvin V), itraconazole (Sporanox), or ketoconazole (Nizoral) can be used to treat fungal scalp infections. Hair loss caused by nutritional deficiencies can be corrected with vitamin supplements or changes in diet. And hair loss from radiation for certain cancer treatments can often be reversed with the cessation of the irradiation or with the use of a medication such as ciclopirox (Loprox) to replace hormones that are disrupting the natural hair growth cycle.

Medications to prevent baldness in men are available in the form of minoxidil lotion, which is sold over-the-counter, and finasteride tablets, which are prescription-only. However, these are not a cure for male pattern baldness, and they must be continued to stimulate regrowth or prevent further loss. Other non-surgical treatment options include camouflage sprays and wigs.부산탈모병원추천

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which the doctor removes healthy hair follicles from one part of the head (the “donor” area) and moves them to the areas of the scalp where there is little or no hair. This can help to fill out a receding hairline or bald spot, and it can also be used to correct a scar from a previous surgery or injury. Unlike the large plugs of hair that were once used in this procedure, newer methods employ micro- and mini-plugs of skin with one to five individual hairs, which are more likely to produce permanent results.

Some autoimmune disorders of the scalp can lead to inflamed sores that destroy hair follicles, causing thinning or baldness. These disorders can be treated with medications that can reduce inflammation and increase the activity of the hair follicles. These medicines are usually injected or applied topically to the scalp.서면탈모

In addition, dermatologists can prescribe medications to stop the hair loss associated with alopecia areata. This condition causes scattered thinning or bald patches to appear on the scalp, which can be treated with topical corticosteroids that are applied to the scalp or taken by mouth. Hair loss from some diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus and discoid lupus erythematosus, is not reversible. But it can be controlled with medications that suppress the immune system or treat other symptoms of these conditions, such as swollen joints and redness on the scalp. Other conditions that can affect the scalp are psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and eczema. These can be controlled with the help of a dermatologist, who can prescribe medications that control inflammation and other symptoms of these conditions.