A Men’s Hair Transplant Procedure Can Reverse Balding

A Men’s hair transplant procedure can reverse balding and restore hair growth to a thinning area. The process is a great solution for those who have not had success with topical hair treatments or pills and want to improve their appearance.

Male pattern baldness is a condition that affects most adults to some degree. It is a genetically determined hair loss condition that can lead to receding hairlines, thinning crowns and bald spots on the top of the scalp. The good news is that the majority of hair follicles are not affected by male pattern baldness, which means they can be transplanted to areas of the head that are thinning or balding to give a fuller appearance.부산 모발이식 추천

Hair restoration is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves transplanting individual hair follicles to areas of the scalp where there is sparse growth. This allows patients to restore a more youthful appearance and regain their confidence. Hair restoration surgery has become a popular procedure for men who are suffering from baldness due to male pattern baldness.

During the procedure, your surgeon will first remove a strip of hair from the back of your scalp using a scalpel. They will then carefully separate the strip into a lot of smaller pieces, some as small as one-hair follicles, which are called grafts. These follicles will then be transplanted to the front or top of your head.

Once the follicles have been transplanted, they will go into a dormant phase that lasts for several months. During this time, the follicles will begin to recover from their trauma and will eventually start growing new hair in the area of the scalp that was transplanted. During the recovery period, you may experience some swelling and bruising of the scalp, but this will fade shortly after your procedure.

The hair surgeon will use a needle or a scalpel to make holes or slits in your scalp where the follicles will be planted. They will then place the grafts into these slits, which takes about 4 to 8 hours. Depending on the method used, you may have stitches that will need to be removed after a week.청담모바로의원

You should avoid eating or drinking anything but water for 12 hours before your procedure. This is because you will be under anesthesia, and any food or drink in your stomach could get into your lungs and cause irritation. You should also arrange for a ride home after your procedure because you will be too tired to drive on your own. Be sure to take a sedative or antianxiety medication, such as valium, so that you are not too groggy after the procedure. You should also avoid taking a blood thinner, such as Aspirin, because it can increase your risk of bleeding and clotting after the procedure.